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Our Services

Lullabies and Laughter Day Care Centre’s Staff's main goals are to build children with a strong foundation with quality education through early learning. We specialize in small classroom settings to attend the students' individuality and needs.

Our Center attends to the individual needs of our children by providing them with an atmosphere they can adapt to easily.

We use hands-on learning with creativity and exploration for the younger children 4 weeks through 3 years of age by applying The Creative Curriculum.

Our older children, 4 years to 5 years of age (by Sept 1st), require a foundation in which includes a more individualized atmosphere following the Common Core Curriculum applied by the Abeka’s Curriculum as well as an incorporation of the Ministry of Education’s curriculum.

What to expect:

Each day, children 2-5 years of age at Lullabies and Laughter Day Care Centre will receive an enriched learning experience as they participate in the following curriculum.

Our classrooms are staffed by teachers who do more than guide and encourage your child; they provide tools that teach your child to think for him or herself with confidence.

They are creating a place for a child to feel eager about their educational experience.

Lullabies and Laughter Day Care Center will focus on the developmental needs of a child as a total person – his/her social growth, emotional growth, physical growth and cognitive growth. We offer programs to enhance these growths by providing a variety of stimulating activities designed to meet the needs of the children.

We organize activities that introduce students to experiences with art, science, music, stories, and movement. Our programs are child centered reflecting the interests of each child in the classroom. The programs are oriented to capitalize on the child’s interest and encourage active learning to develop curiosity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Each child can explore and learn at their own pace in a safe and secure environment without fear of failure. There is emphasis on language development, perceptual discrimination, cognition, and motor coordination.

We aim to create a supportive and caring atmosphere where a typical child could interact with a child of different ability, can learn more about each other, accept their sameness and differences, respect each other and develop responsibility for their behaviour.